Overseas British Citizenship

If you are applying for British citizenship and have received an enrolment invitation letter from UKVI, you must register on the VFS Global website so that you can book an appointment to enrol your biometric information at the Visa Application Centre.

Once you are registered, you will be able to:

  • Choose your preferred Visa Application Centre

  • Book an appointment

  • Reschedule or cancel appointments up to 24 hours prior to your previously chosen date

Register and book an appointment

Please note in some locations where demand is relatively low, or where there are free-to-use options available within the same country, an additional fee is charged to cover the provision of a user pays Visa Application Centre. This allows customers to attend an appointment at a more convenient location closer to their home. The user pays fee is a regulated fee set by the Home Office. Please find more information about UK visa fees here.